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Worked with WWF HK I Edgar Zero Waste Shop




Recycling Rock Stations


CLIENT_ Camperism

EVENT_ Camping event

SCALE_ 800-1,000 pax

YEAR_ 2019



From concept development to execution, the recycling rock station was operated by a team of experienced green

ambassadors. Ambassadors shared the knowledge with the public (e.g. clean recycling and identification of plastics)

and directed the waste or recyclables to the right bins.


Bins for plastic (#1,2,5,7), food waste, general waste, cans, glasses and paper were placed.


50% of waste were recycled and transferred to local recyclers.






Recycling rock station 2.JPG
Recycling rock station.JPG

Sustainability Chatroom



EVENT_ A series of panel discussions

YEAR_ 2019


As one of the marketing in-store campaign, a total of 8 panel talks was held at the retail space in 2 months’ time. Speakers on different expertise were invited.



  • Zero waste lifestyle

  • Sustainable fashion

  • Sustainable food chain

  • Healthcare products and micro plastics

  • Green education






Sustainability chatroom

Eco Fair


Joining UBS at the eco fair


Creative Deco


Upcycled Egg cartons







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